


M.O.A.B. (MOTHER OF ALL BOAR BAITS) Designed to be buried about a foot in-ground. Strong aromas attract Hogs & keeps them there. Once located, they dig it up & devour the contents. Tightly woven M.O.A.B. acts as a scent wick & requires hogs to rupture to dispense, scattering the area with strong flavors, grains & nutrients creating a large savory & aromatic bait station–they keep coming even after the bait’s been eaten! Placed above ground for instant action, or from a low hanging branch acting as powerful scent wick. Ideally bury one & hang an additional above ground. Ingredients provide protein, fat & carbohydrates maintaining a healthy herd. 

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 12 in

Acorn Supreme, Hogwalla Supreme, KrackedKorn Supreme, SwineApple Supreme, SwineBerry Blast